May 27, 2010

IF - Early WIP2

A progress update on the piece.  I decided to go with morning glories instead of clouds.  To me morning glories symbolize early morning and thought they went with the little fairy.  I don't paint enough flowers.  :)

May 25, 2010

IF - Early WIP

Got a sketch in, hopefully I'll get to paint it. :P

I got this book titled "Virtual Pose children& teens".  There are some helpful poses, but sometimes it's difficult when working around the clothing.  Having to truly figure out what's going on anatomy wise can get tricky...especially with children.  But I gave it a shot.

I don't see why there isn't a book of children in swim suits or leotards.  I know, we live in a very perverted country thus we'll probably never see that published.  But as a children's book illustrator I don't always have access to children.  I can photograph my niece, but my nephew isn't  quite the age I need.  Still too young. 

So, thus the reasoning for the book.  I was hoping for a bit more, but this will do.  :)

May 24, 2010

May Update

Heya folks,
It's been a busy month, but a good month.  One of those that gets to the heart of yourself and pushes your limits, and when you think you're finished God taps you on the shoulder and says "You're strong and good, no doubts.".  Pretty cool eh?

So everyone has been wonderin' about "Poppy".  She's been finished for a couple of weeks now, but haven't had the time to post her.  You ready? she is!

She's available on Etsy (original painting) here for $75 with free shipping, or you can purchase her as a print at my Print Shop here for $10 or $15 (+shipping and handling).

On a different note:
I discovered the key to having a happy life yesterday, and thought I'd share it.  We all know how up and down I can be, and I know for a fact I'm not alone.  Especially with artists, but it isn't just us.  I think this is something we all struggle with as humans.  We aim to be happy, but look or go to the wrong things for that happiness.  That has always bothered me, tho I seem to fall victim to material things quite often.

We buy something when we're feeling low or sad to make us feel better.  Don't deny it, we all do it if we haven't found the key to happiness.  Whether it be a pair of shoes, get ice cream, buy an iPhone, whatever it may be.  The problem is, these items or things can't solve deeper issues.  They're earthly treasures, but when we we take them with us?  Nope.

So here is what I learned. 
The happy life is one where my inner life and outward actions match (I have character and integrity).
Simple enough.  But the problem is...although I want to change my inner self to love others, I just don't have the motivation, care, or esteem to do so.  Then what?  Am I doomed from never having happiness?  Nope, here's an instruction to retain the above key.
Invest what you already care deeply about (your treasures: money, time, energy, stuff, reputation, etc.) into what you want your heart to care about. 
We all invest into something.  No matter what it may be, we just do.  I haven't figured out what it is I invest in or care deeply about.  It's kind of scrambled inside my head at the moment.  But I know once I figure this out I will be able to redirect it.  I may not enjoy investing at first, but without a doubt I will start caring.  We always pay attention to and care about things we invest in.  A car, house, stocks, food, family, relationships, etc. 

So I hope here, in the end of this post, I have enlightened you with where I've been, the struggles I've been working through with the help of God, and possibly some insight into your own life.  Food for thought.

{ taken from "How Cool Are Your Shoes" service by Jason Stark at ReChurch }

May 12, 2010


"The One Who Sees Me"
{  graphite  |  2010  }

I'm a pretty emotional person, always questioning myself, my life, my faith, and although I'm an open book I withdraw from people.  Last night I wanted to enter a drawing into DemiCon and found myself lost in reflection of my life at this time....and stayed up till 2:30am working on it.  Haven't done that in a long while.  I'm pleased with the drawing, but find myself still lost within my thoughts.  It's a healthy reminder that even though I feel alone, it doesn't mean I am.  But some times, it seems like only the birds, or the squirrel, or even the bumble bee that comes near me on the front porch really see me.  They are simple, no awareness to what this world is, just doing what God created them to do.  They see me because they see might think. 

May 4, 2010

EBSQ and Garden Mice

This week I'm featured as blogger of the week over at the EBSQ Blog.  If you've never been, go check it out.  Great information on many different kinds of artists!!!  :D
Also I have a new mouse for the garden labels!  I finished him up so that I could create a beautiful Garden Mice sheet for you to download and print.  Instead of one by one, why not a whole sheet?!  Still more to come!