In a time of the year where everyone is hustle bustle to get shopping, planning, and wrapping finished.....I feel the deepest rest and calm. I'm not frantic about what needs to be done, tho I'm concerned if I will get it done. I'm not messin' with lists and checking them twice. And I'm definitely not looking away from the ball. Instead I have taken a deep breath, placed all of my faith in Jesus' hands, and have found rest.
When we step back and look at recent events in our lives we can see a pattern of how everything leds to where you are now. For me, as an example, my intimate relationships. All of them have led me to where I am today, a Lady in Waiting. Its hard to see God's perspective sometimes and it takes a friend to point it out. I'm fortunate, I have a few who together have opened my eyes. I started to reread "Captivating" by Stasi Eldredge reminding myself of who I am in God. And a friend from my holy family loaned one of her books that I've started to read titled "Lady in Waiting Being God's best while waiting for Mr. Right". Now I know that title gets a little cheesey...I thought so too. But the message inside about embracing your singleness is liberating. I can do so much more single than married. I don't need to be dating either. If I follow God's path for me, then "Mr. Right" will being somewhere on the path ahead of me. AS for that "do so much more". I can serve and volunteer without attachments or obligations to others. What a freedom!
Its amazing at how such small realizations can change your entire composure in daily life. :)

This week (and a little late) I have a
new OSWOA up on ebay titled "
The Emeralds of Spring" which goes along with "
The Blues of Winter" and "
The Golds of Autumn". I have noticed that for some reason I paint the seasons. This time around I'm making sure they're all faeries and they are all a bit more classical. ;) Tiny of course, but classical. This piece is also my first pregnant woman (I think, I'm trying to remember real hard if I've done one before, and I can't recall, so this is
officially the first one...just in case). I'm pretty stoked because the reference I used was only for the face, shoulders, arms, and hands, not the body or tummy. So to those beautiful women who have had the blessing of been pregnant, I hope this piece portrays that time well.

Also there is some new products up at
The Fairy Society™ wholesale site and at
The Fairy Society™ Inspirational Bath site. I'm very excited about these, for I have waited a long time to see them in actualization. A great gift idea and very unique! I have posted on the left the design file I have for the labels I created for The Fairy Society™, and then below the photo they took of the products together. :) If interested please visit
HERE to purchase the set in retail.