It's official, the Fairy Blessings have gone live on my site and on There are a total of 6. I plan on making more of these wee fairies, they are a blast to create! They're only about 4x6 inches in size, most painted in sepia watercolor. My favorite is the "Hope" and "Blessing" ones in sepia (I made it confusing because I've done two "Hope" in color and one in sepia.) Interested in knowing more?
Visit their page! Or visit
their shoppe page to purchase one.

Can you imagine how this Christmas season is going to be?! With the economy so screwy (here in the US of course). Department stores like Home Depot already have their holiday set ups displayed and totally scratched Halloween and Thanksgiving. Of course, I don't think thats to bad of an idea...although it's kinda weird. It gives us, the consumer, more time to spread out and budget our money. By the way...what's budgeting? /:|
So this made me rethink how I'm going to run my business this season. The Fairy Blessings are a part of it. They're small, already matted to 8x10 with black, and $75 for the sepia...$100 for the color.
Also I've made
original paintings affordable by offering
Lay Away. Lay Away is just that, layaway for the painting. Allowing the consumer 90 days to pay with three payments. I don't know about you, but money has been unbelievably tight this last month. At least gas has gone down. I live in Des Moines Iowa and it's down to $2.15. Too bad the rumors say we won't be getting below $2 for the rest of my lifetime. :( But even with gas going down, groceries have continued to go up. Yet, with all the money issues...I can say for having so little I have so much in life. Which is why I want to be able to share my work, to share that perspective with others, and make it easier to hold that emotion/feeling/affirmation in their hands. If you would like more details please visit my
Lay Away policies page.
Commission requests for sizes 4x6 and 5x7 have also dropped in price. A 4x6 until December 5th is only $75, and a 5x7 until December 5th is only $100 ($75 off original price!).
Yet, as an artist, this year I think I'm going to have to find my own way of giving presents without artwork. My closest friends and family all have artwork...hum....gonna have to get creative. ;) Ideas anyone?

On a personal note my sister, Lexee, just got engaged!! Her beau, Jacob, has been a family friend for almost 20 years. I am SO happy to see her and Jake take this step in their relationship and thrilled to get started on helping her plan the wedding. Hehe...pull out the design tools. ;) So exciting!!! So many blessings their way. :)