Apr 5, 2012

Pantone Colors in Watercolor

Here is the list of Pantone colors along with the watercolors I used to re-create it. 

The first color listed is the one used most, then those that follow are lesser in ratio. Hope that makes sense. The best way is to use these colors and mix until you've gotten the color you're going for.

I literally cut out the Pantones and tried to copy them.
Also these aren't EXACT replicas. They are close enough for me.

  • Tangerine Tango (color of the year) - Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red, Quinacridone Rose
  • Cabaret - Quinacridone Rose, Cadmium Red, Cobalt Blue
  • Starfish - Raw Umber, Cobalt Blue
  • Bellflower - Indigo Blue, Quinacridone Rose, Alizarin Crimson
  • Driftwood - Winsor Green, Perylene Maroon
  • Sodalite Blue - Indigo, Neutral Tint
  • Sweet Lilac - Quinacridone Rose, Cadmium Red, Davy's Gray 
  • Solar Power - Quinacridone Gold, Winsor Yellow, Quinacridone Rose
  • Cockatoo - Phthalo Blue, Winsor Green, Quinacridone Rose
  • Margarita - Winsor Green, Cadmium Red, Yellow Ochre

  • Tangerine Tango - Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red, Quinacridone Rose
  • Pink Falmbé - Perylene Maroon, Cobalt Blue, Cadmium Red
  • French Roast - Perylene Maroon, Phthalo Blue, Aureolin Yellow
  • Rhapsody - Mauve, Cadmium Red, Cobalt Blue, Aureolin Yellow
  • Titanium - Ivory Black, Cobalt Blue, Quinacridone Rose
  • Olympian Blue - Indigo Blue, Cobalt Blue, Quinacridone Rose
  • Rose Smoke - Perylene Maroon, Raw Umber
  • Honey Gold - Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna
  • Bright Chartreuse - Yellow Ochre, Winsor Green, Quinacridone Rose
  • Ultramarine Green - Indigo Blue, Winsor Green, Aureolin Yellow, Yellow Ochre

Finding the Colors

I have stumbled upon something this week which has made me wonder "Why haven't I done this before?!"

Pantone comes out with colors for the Spring and Fall every year in February (I think). This includes the color of the year and the colors most companies and fashion designers will use to advertise and create.

With my goal to sell my work to manufacturing companies and to license it out, it would only make sense that I too use these colors! Certainly an "Ah ha!" moment.

Fall colors on the left, Spring on the right

Researching and finding Pantone's color groups. I find this amazing and was totally worth the work. Why? Because now I have something to follow instead of thinking "Which would be the best combination of colors to use?" Brilliant!
Resource: http://www.setufairtrade.com

Drew up this image on Sunday (?) thinking of Mother's Day and a request I received a while back. Placing the Pantone color schemes to work. Truly loved how my thoughts and problem solving was directed to other things, like painting skin, instead of what the colors where going to be.

Took it a step further and created the 10 Pantone colors for Spring/Summer and the 10 Pantone colors for Fall/Winter in watercolor. I googled this and didn't find anyone trying to re-create these colors.

Word of warning tho if you're going to copy these: probably not the most conventional way of doing it. Each set isn't made with one red, blue, and yellow like most palettes would. I just used what I had in my huge circle palette that would give me the color I was going for.

Find the list of colors used HERE.

I also started a project to paint at least one piece specifically for each holiday. I started with Halloween. To be honest, it was hard to get some ideas that were unique to my style and way of working, and not to conform to what has already been done or is "trendy".

They feel a bit staged, but I think it'll be a lovely piece. This is drawn on the watercolor paper, so next stop, paint! Gotta now choose the color scheme from my beautiful list. ;) Totally working on this tomorrow with the girls at Natalie's!