To pay it forward I now nominate five other people for this award in no particular order. Please visit all of them!
Jennifer Nilsson - LiveJournal Blog Website A dear friend who is always there to support me, and give encouragement when I'm down. Jen, I look at that piece you gave me "Praise His name with dancing" every day and it is such a joy! Praise the Lord for giving you such a beautiful gift. :)
Holly Durr - Blog Website Through questionable times, through change, and through God Holly has always been an inspiration. Her work is beautiful and always growing! God bless you Holly!
Mély - http://chaudronpastel.canalblog.com/ Mélanie, I haven't known you very long but you never fail to comment, give feedback, and freely give encouragement. You are a genuine person!
Lexee - Myspace Page My lovely sister. She's not a big web presence but without my sister, her love, her support, her ear, her thoughts, her hugs, and everything else under the sun, I would be an emotional wreak! I'm the big sister but it always feels the other way around. Her soul is one of constant giving.
Sherri Baldy - Personal Website The Fairy Society Sherri Baldy deserves this award, not only for what she has done for me, but what she has done for SO many others! She has given her life to supporting, marketing, and announcing fantasy artists world wide. This woman is so full of strength and inspiration. Please visit her site and then visit her business that I am SO proud to be apart of...The Fairy Society.
Of course, there are many MANY people who deserve this award, but these five have, in the last month or two, walked and helped me through some really difficult times. Hugs to all of you!
Please copy and paste the award above (if you're listed above) and place it on your site/blog then nominate five more people you feel deserve this award.
Many Blessings!!!