- New relationship! These always take time, I mean, it's exciting and fun! Who doesn't want to spend time with a new best friend!? From now on we'll call him BB. ;) Can't give too much of my personal life out.
- Illustrating a children's book. Finally!!! Weee! But it's A LOT of work! Thirty two illustrations I had to make thumbnails (3-4 for each painting) for, then for each thumbnail two more final sketches, next a color study, and finally the illustration itself. So this is taking up a good chunk of my time as well.
- Commission work. It keeps flowing in and I'm very encouraged! Plus, the projects are inspiring and keep me interested. Here's the latest one...she took a while, but I'm very pleased with the outcome. Titled "Enticement" 5x7 watercolor.

- On top of that still teaching (of course BB and I went on a trip to Minneapolis last week...we both needed a vacation and got HUGE blessings from God instead. I think thats better. :D)
So what does all this do? Well it has slowed down:
- Updating my site and blog (duh)
- Getting stuff out to licensing companies
- Making a presence on several forum sites
Pretty much everything "computer" related has been pushed. Sooooooo hopefully by April I can get things back into order...at least enough to where I get the site updated once a month. And it might come to that till August (when the children's book illustrations are all due).
Some notes of change
For now, I will not be auctioning off on Ebay. There are some issues with how it is ran, especially for sellers, that I do not agree with. I am currently in the search for a new auction site.
Pacific Trading Co. now sells tiles (and soon mugs) with my work. So check 'em out! I would also like to announce that they now have Selina Fenech figurines! They're gorgeous!!!!!! :D Visit their site at www.pactrad.com
I will be retiring as an artist on Heaven and Earth Designs in June. So if you're a cross stitcher and have a "wish list", please grab it before June. www.heavenandearthdesigns.com
There is SOOOOO much more, but those are the main important points. Although the site hasn't been updated in a while, everything still runs on it and I still ship out prints n' such. :) Thank you for all the emails and "wonderings" of where I've been.
God bless,