Last night right before bedtime I finished the illustration for my promotional postcard. Thanks to my advising husband of course. First mail out of the year. Surprisingly enough, while playing in photoshop for layout, it wasn't nearly as hard as my postcard last year. I don't know if it's because there isn't as much pressure (Brian having a new job), or if it's what I hope it is. That I have enough faith and trust in God that I just keep doing what I'm led to do and let Him take care of the rest. A running theme this year I think. :)

If you have thoughts, opinions, for either the front or the back, I'm all ears. I'm hoping to get these ordered tomorrow or Friday. :)
The balance on the front, of your image and information, is fantastic!
this might sound weird, but I love the houses on the front illustration. Love that they are on a hill and fade away. So cute.
excellent, it turned out so beautifully
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