Apr 1, 2014

Sisters - A Painting Step by Step

Step one: Finish the sketch.

Step two: Scan and trace using light box,  from print out onto watercolor paper. Using hot press 140lbs. 

Step three: Tape down prepared drawing and spray with clean water, patting down gently with paper towel. Let dry and blog steps. ;)

Step four: Lay in under painting. Here just quickly, while paper is still wet (or spray it to moisten paper again) apply light color with a flat watercolor brush. Be quick but thoughtful about where and what you're putting down, knowing that color will effect all post applied colors.

Step five: Begin what I call the final glazes. These are far more intentional than the previous layer. Most of the paint will be applied using a round brush instead of a flat or square brush. Colors are built up from here.

Step six: The final step in painting, adding the details. Use very small round brushes to get into all those nooks and crannies. These layers are also more saturated and bold. This step takes the longest. 


Unknown said...

Thanks for this! I've been trying to figure out how to get from my sketches to a finished, colored product. Your work is beautiful, thank you again for sharing your method.

Tammie Lee said...

I love seeing your painting unfold! thank you for sharing how you go about it!

Anonymous said...

Exquisite work and so interesting to see how the painting progresses.

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