Sep 28, 2015

Fall In Monday

I just had to share the excitement that I am feeling right now! I ADORE fall! The wind, the crunch of leaves, the colors, the cozy sweaters, boots, boot socks, jackets, all of it! I could go on and on about what is so fantastic about fall.

I looked at our forecast for the week and today SHOULD be the last day of 80 degree weather. Granted, I may be a minority for not wanting the warm temps. I'm sure in a few months I'll be begging for spring. I've had my fill of it tho, and I'm ready for something cooler.

In anticipation for the 60-70 degree weather on the horizon, I'm having a sale.

Sales are just fun on Mondays,'s Monday. :/ We have SO much to focus on, get back into order, meetings, its the start to a long week, and we all could use some good news or smiles (wish I could make donuts magically appear before you, but alas I ran out of pixie dust).

So I hope you find YOUR LIGHT for the week, today, on a Monday of all days, and purchase yourself something encouraging and inspiring.


If you purchase 2 prints from my shop, I will give you a third one, of your choice, free. All you need to do is buy the two and note to me which one you want as a third. 

Sep 24, 2015

Art in the Barn

This afternoon I'm framing and prepping using my favorite lost and found frames.

There's a wonderful event happening tomorrow night, and I am so happy to say that this year I will be a part of it. A fundraiser for a local library using art, music, and of course food and drinks. This event highlights local talent while raising funds for the library, I'm so excited! AND it's happening right as autumn begins, awesome kick off to the holidays right around the corner!

If you are in the central Iowa area, may I suggest a date night or social gathering with friends at this annual event. Hope to see you there!

Art in the Barn
Friday, September 25th

Cost is $20 

6169 Northglenn Drive
Johnston, Iowa

Sep 8, 2015

Mark Your Calendar

Monday, September 14th
I will be launching my new coloring book "Pixie Fairy" on Amazon and on my website

I was so excited about my new coloring book coming out that I just had to share some pages with a couple of my closest friends and see how it went!

Needless to say, the ladies fully enjoyed their time coloring with some colored pencils. They actually had a hard time choosing which image to start with!

The first 10 orders will receive

Follow me on Facebook or Twitter to stay tuned!