Christmas has finally left, yet the ice and snow are still here. I loved my Christmas this year, lots of laughs, lots of great quality time with family. It's a HUGE blessing that Brian and I have families that enjoy our company. Makes for a wonderful time. And of course, Brian gave such beautiful gifts! :) Very blessed this year. What a way to end it, and I'm looking forward to the next.
I hope to get back to work this upcoming week. Update the site, start painting again, get my head on straight. :P The critique group is a start.
So here's to you, hoping you had a great Christmas and that all was blessed and safe. More stuff coming soon!!! I'll keep ya in touch. ;)
God bless.
I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas, Sara!!! *HUGS*
Hi Sara! I hope the group as openings again in the new year. I think this would help me grow in my abilities to be an illustrator!
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