{ Entanglement of Purr Love }
graphite & digital | 2009Debating on painting this or not. Hum. And if I do, whether to keep it all blues or add in slight hints of pinks/reds. Think it would look nice in watercolor. :) But hey, at least I did IF!
Happy December :)
This is very beautiful,leave it like this,is perfect!
The simplicy of this illustration is excellent. I like it as a monochrome, but would love to see your vision in color. Nicely done.
Love it in b/w but pink highlights sound lovely. :) Cute kitties!
perfect as is! such a sweet interpretation...
Adorable! The cats are so expressive. I would leave it greyscale - it really is lovely
beautiful, I like the idea of just a little color, but it is lovely like it is
Aww...If there's one thing I admire from cats is their ability to win your heart even when you're in the worst mood. Just one purr is enough to lighten you up...(^_^)
Sara, This is fantastic! Love the tone. Your work is amazing! Nice detail from the adorable kitties to the vapor puff! Nice!!!
You did and it's lovely! :)
I do like this illustration. Beautiful in Black and white. Well done.
This is beautiful and very effective in black and white, but color would beautiful as well!
Great drawing, the little breathe coming out of her mouth makes me feel chilly! Good thing she's wearing winter clothes :)
So emotive illo... <3
Very sweet. I like it as is.
Wow…loving this!
Wonderful drawing and use of limited, muted colour.
I’m feeling that chill.
Gorgeous work! I love this illo. She has such a wonderful expression. Great juxtaposition of the cold, and warm love of the kitties. Beautifully done!
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