Oct 6, 2011

Holiday Boot Camp

If you're a seller on Etsy...
then you probably know all about the Holiday Boot Camp. It started up two weeks ago, and I always look forward to it.

Original Watercolor Painting - "Lady of the Field
I look forward to someone else telling me what I should do to get my business in shape. It's hard running a business by yourself. I do everything (except my taxes, my sister comes over and helps me with the paper work). It's motivating to have a "To Do" list given by people I trust my business with. Now the work is here, and I'm busy as a bee.

But there lies the problem. I am more social this year, I believe, than any other year in my life. I am truly so overwhelmed with blessings that I can't keep up! I have two amazing families...mine and Brian's, a church family that I have bonded to like glue, and even at work I'm really creating relationships with my students...and with the kids at the youth group.

Bookmark - "The Grumpy Troll"
Where does the business fit in all of this? Heh, and I don't even have kids yet! I have a few hours every day to work on it. The "To Do" list feels too big for me.

I took almost 200 photos last week, but every one needs to be tweaked and cropped. Creating inventory takes quite a bit of time! I've come up with some packaging, but folding and cutting takes time. I'm making excuses in a sense, but truly, how do you make time?

I have also been trying to keep myself healthier this year. Brian and I quit smoking around March/April and began walking/going to the gym, eating healthier (which means cooking), and just making smarter choices. One of those is being sure to get at least 6 full hours of sleep every night. I would like it to be 7, but wow...I don't know where that hour is going to come from.

ACEO - "Hollyhock Princess"
Did I mention that I have to paint somewhere in there too? Have you noticed not too many paintings are popping up? And I discovered in the last two weeks, I need to fit this in.

There is also a need within me. Although I've enjoyed what I've painted lately, I personally feel they could be more. It's like I'm in a phase where things need to stay in small scale, just so I can be sure it will get done. There is so much out there I want to do! Why can't the days be like 40 hours instead of 24? And we would just be used to that.

It may appear that I am complaining, and I'm not. I feel seriously blessed by all of the stuff I have to do. So much more productive and worth my time than ever before. I actually see my life growing! Managing it is a new deal for me, so...

How do you do it? I am anxious to hear how other sellers or artists make the time to create income off of their craft while still running a home/life.

By the way, here's a work in progress. The goal is to have her done next week. She's 6x4 inches. "November"....hopefully....will be done tomorrow.


Colleen said...

I smiled when I read this-because it sounds like me! I am sitting here with 4 items I need to list, but haven't had the time to crop the photos. And I have a whole stack of patterns drawn up for what I want to make...someday! And this was supposed to be easier this year because my kids are in school!

I am not sure how to do it and balance everything well-but for me I think it is coming down to being more strict with my time. And keep my focus-I tend to drift too much from one thing to another. Not sure how that will work, but I'm hoping it does because I really need to get going on christmas things!

Good luck! (and November is beautiful! :)

Woolytales Miniatures said...

Dear Sara~
I have been wanting to come visit you and leave a comment for while but like you, i am struglling with the word "time".
I am glad you made some decisions about your health Sara, it is wonderful to take care of our selves that way.
Your etsy store seems so organized and your work is so very beautiful is hard to give you any advise,grin.
i don't know about the Holiday boot camp.... I better go find out.

sending you a warm hug....smiles~