Many thoughts came to mind for this word, but most cliché. So thinking further out...this concept came to mind. It may be a stretch, but I know I always felt packed in when my mom got us ready for school and there was snow up to our knees. Actually..I still get packed and layered to this day during the winter and snow is up to my knees. :P
Also, if you couldn't tell, I'm playing with color and not painting. I really liked how this one came out as far as the pencil texture up against the solid color. Eh, something new and different. I'm having fun with it anyway. ;)
Just adorable. I love you use of color and it totally reminds me of MY childhood too... Man we had to get bundled up for winter in Iowa. At least I know you empathize. :P
my mom would still do this to me if I lived with her...she did this in college..."don't you need a scarf?"
Great colors, super adorable!
Nice idea beautiful illo!
Nice work. I like the soft colors
So cute! Lovely colors! She looks so cozy!
Really lovely color and text!
All the mother are the same ;)
Very nice picture! love the colours and her big cute eyes! great work!
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