Aug 13, 2010

Lady of Citrine - Part 2

"Lady of Citrine"
colored pencil  |  2010

It rarely happens, but I redid this piece.  Let me explain if you'll allow.

This is my month, November.  It also happens to be one of my favorite months in here in Iowa it's usually beautiful!  Although I enjoy the previous piece I did for Citrine, I knew she could be stronger.  And after drawing "Lady of Sapphire" I was pushed by my ambition to draw her over.

So here is the new, the improved, Lady of Citrine.  The previous one has been retitled to "Lady of Autumn"The original is still available on Etsy.


Holly Durr Art said...

I just love this! It makes me want to work softer with CP :)

MrBibleHead said...

Hey Sara! I don't know which I like better. They are both amazing! When you get them all done you should do a calendar. Wonderful stuff!