In class this week Melinda handed me a folder full of figurative artwork and told me to find 15 I love and 15 I hated....all based on color. Then I had to narrow it down to 5 love and 5 hate.
This was hard! Try it, I dare you. I'm attracted to almost all figurative art, so to look at a piece and determine whether I love or hate it based on color....ugh, let's just say it took time.

Before I go further I must say I had no idea how much I adored cooler skin tones. I always thought I liked the warmer, but when looking at the ones I loved they all had a lot of blues and purples. This is very helpful knowledge!

Back to the assignment. I did as she asked.
She also insisted that I use an odd ball color mixed in with the palette I chose. My odd ball was a mix between Quinacridone Rose (q.rose) and Phthalo Blue as my "red".
Red: Daniel Smith Quinacridone Rose mixed with Daniel Smith Phthalo Blue GS
Yellow: Winsor & Newton Aureolin
Blue: Winsor & Newton Indigo
Added Warm: Winsor & Newton Rose Doré
I'm pretty pleased, tho I know I could push my shadows more. That is my largest fear I think right now....shadows becoming mud. o.O
Missed Week 1? Here ya go:
1 comment:
You should be please! She's beautifully done!
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