Jul 16, 2010

Tags & Sigs

There have been a lot of questions and requests for Tags and Signatures of my work.  Well, your pleas have been heard, and answered.  I resigned with CILM and the images are up!  I will be giving them new images every month so there will always be something new.

To take a peak at the Tag Three Packs visit:  http://www.cilmstore.com/index.php?p=catalog&parent=329&pg=1

To look at the individual Tubed pieces visit:  http://www.cilmstore.com/index.php?p=catalog&parent=330&pg=1

Also I have a big surprise for all of you, but am waiting till the project gets a little further along before I reveal.  I signed on with a wholesaler I think you're gonna like.  If you know...shhhhhhhhhh.  ;)

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