Giveaway Ends 7.24.11
The Story

One of my favorite Christmas morning memories was when I woke my younger sister up at 3am (as we always did) to go downstairs and see what Santa brought us. I think I was around 10 years old at the time. I remember walking down the stairs, and just over the banister I saw a large white table set up in the livingroom! It was magnificent!! I knew it had to be mine, it was like a shining star lit up by the Christmas tree.
To this day, that white table is in my studio, cut up, written up, and banged up.....I so love my white drawing table!
Now it's your turn!
The Entry
MANDATORY ENTRY: Share your favorite Christmas morning memory by commenting below (required). ADDITIONAL CHANCES TO WIN: Must do the MANDATORY entry before these, otherwise they don't count.
- 1 entry - Tweet about this giveaway and leave a comment below with the link
- 1 entry - Share this giveaway AND my sale on Etsy with direct links on Facebook, then leave a comment below
- 2 entries - Add my giveaway to your blog roll and let me know where it is
- 3 entries - Blog about this giveaway AND my sale on Etsy with direct links to the pages, then leave an additional comment with a direct link to your post so that I can view it
- 4 entries - Purchase some Christmas gifts from my shop at 25% off - Use coupon code: CHRIST25
The Prize
Four Fairy Blessing Ornaments
Value: $40.00
These were the number one seller last year! The four of them are 2-3 inches in size (height or width).
There is only one more set after this they are extremely limited!
The design has changed for this year.
Made from Shrink Film...which is paper turned plastic. Then sealed with Diamond Glaze to protect the image. Finished off with a sweet lil' ribbon.
My favorite Christmas memory is one day, when I was ten and my sister was eight. Unbeknownst to my sister, our older married sister and her two little girls had come over during the night to spend Christmas with us.
We came downstairs, and my oldest neice was playing by the Christmas tree.
Horrified, my sister stared for a minute, then cried out in shock "WHAT is THAT!?"
I don't know how long I laughed. It was the funniest thing; and we all recall that memory with fondness :)
Hehe, that is a wonderful way to wake up! What a great memory. :)
I was born in the US, but my father moved us all over the world. For the most part, we lived in Saudi Arabia where Christmas isn't celebrated and is technically illegal.
In a desert environment and 130 degrees in the shade, Christmas wasn't the same for us by a long shot. We had a "Christmas lamp". My mother pinned ornaments on the lampshade and wrapped the post in garland. When we would wake up on Christmas morning, we'd settle below the lamp and open our gifts.
My sisters and brothers {7 of us} would always sneek down stairs early Christmas morning to get our Christmas stockings. We didn't have a fireplace to hang them on so they were hung, according to age, along the the landing area of the stairs. We loved the treats in them sometimes more than our larger gifts.
Hi Sara, I think that writing this in English is very complicated for me. But I'll tell you my Christmas story (though I'm out of competition, does not matter)
In my country in the month of December is hot, our Christmas is really very hot. and when my children were young I should have dressed as Santa Claus, you can imagine how I suffered, and when my children saw me saying HO HO HO, after dinner, they told me hello, Dad, give us the gifts! ha ha!
My memory is quite bad, but one favorite Christmas memory was getting a pair of purple parachute pants when I was 10. I don't know why that made me so happy, but it did.
kiddomsg at gmail dot com
My favorite Christmas memory is feeling of miracle and belief in fairytale!
I adore these sweet Fairy Blessing Ornaments!
Thank you for the chance!
Shared on FB!!/permalink.php?story_fbid=241227592561534&id=100000966605964
(oksana vladimirovna)
One year when we didn't have a lot of money, my Mom spent the money she had on litte trinkets, wrapping each one separately so we would have plenty of gifts to open. We were little enough that we were thrilled by the sheer number of presents. It wasn't until we were older that we realized what had really happened.
i always love waking up to fogged windows from early morning cooking for christmas lunch!
this past Christmas 2010 waking up seeing snow Ive only seen a good amount of snow one other time and that time I was sick so my dad made me a snowman that Christmas it had a bowl for a hat
trustjesus7771 at yahoo dot com
I was having Christmas in California, very diffrent from my home in mid BC Canada. My cousin and I got up in the middle of the night and opened our stockings, then put them back up on the mantle. When our moms got up with all of us in the morning, my mom sort of brushed it off, but my Aunt was MAD, super mad and yelled at us- threatened to take our stockings away LOL, in the end all was fine but she scared me for a while, and I never snuck out again on Christmas morning!
The look on my daughter's face last Christmas
When my children were small I worked second shift (4-12) and my husband kept the kids. I wrapped all the presents and put them under the tree. That night I came home and all the presents were opened (1 week b/f Christmas). My children told on their daddy, he had opened all the presents. After that, I kept all the presents at my mom's house until Christmas eve then took them home. Another Christmas, I got my husband a gas powered air plane. He opened it Christmas eve and started the plane in the house at 4am. Those planes are very loud. I fell out of the bed.
I tweeted about this giveaway @snowbird745. Kim Hasty at
my favorite was the year my one brother and i both asked for a spirogaph from Santa. Our other 2 borthers told us only one of us would get it as Santa does not do the same gift for two people in the same family ! Christmas Day front on center two spirographs w/ a note to have double the fun! I kept that cute note too! thanks for the lovely giveaway and sharing!
A favorite Christmas memory of mine was the first Xmas I spent with my husband. He was gone the first year of our marriage & when he returned & we celebrated our first xmas as husband & wife it was a dream come true.
fastkat at gmail dot com
My favorite memory was the year my dad found antique working models of the original Disneyland rides and had them set up spinning and whirring when we woke. It was just unexpected and extra magical!
Thank you for this!
Tey are so lovely!
My fave Christmas memory is probably waking up in the morning with my 3 siblings and run to see the tree and the packets under the tree in a big "Santa's bag"...I so wish those days could come back.
Twitted about your giveaway here:!/Tirabaralla/status/93695282453282816
My favorite was with my Aunt Tina, the most wildly free-spirited joyful person I ever knew. One year she dressed up like Mrs. Claus and kept us laughing all morning long as she passed out gifts, great food and her super yummy cookies! I miss her!
One of my most magical Christmas was... the last one : 2010.
My mother passed away at the end of october 2010.
So... It was the first Christmas without her.
My Dad & all my familly & I was sad.
*Little NB before continuing*
I lived in foreign countries where the climate was hot until I was 15 years old.
And, at 15 years old, my parents & I came back to live in France.
*end of the NB*
I never, NEVER saw Christmas under snow.
Since I grew up in warmly countries, snow is a bit magical for me.
And, since my return in France (1998), every single year, I make the wish that it will snow on Christmas Eve.
But, it never did.
Since december 2010.
My school finish on the 22nd december, and my dad planned to come to get me on the 23th.
But... Snow started to fall on the 22nd.
And, it wasn't 2 or 3 little snowflakes that fall, but a huge snowstorm on the entire north of France.
Is was so big that ALL the roads were cut, and ALL the trains were stopped.
The entire North of France was blocked.
And so was I.
So, the day before Christmas, I was threaten to spend Christmas alone.
Not only my mother won't be here, but if the storm didn't stop, I will spend Christmas far from my family, alone.
Then... I realized something.
Something magical.
I wasn't alone.
It didn't matter anymore if the snowstorm stop or not.
I knew that I wasn't alone.
All this snow... was my mother's Christmas gift for me.
She was up there, and send me this HUGE sign filled up with all her love.
She was with me, even if she wasn't PHYSICALLY here.
I smile...
Next morning, the snow stopped... and, after a trip of 6 hours (normally, it tooks 1h30 hours), I was able to reach my family on 24th December.
That is the most magical Christmas I ever live.
Thanks Mum. I love you.
I post a link of you etsy shop AND the article on your blog on my page facebook here :
One year my mom had just HAD IT for Christmas... Planning, cooking and cleaning up after Xmas eve dinner was just one thing too much. My dad stepped up. He ordered Chinese for the whole family (and friendly neighbors) and we all ate out of cartons and bags with disposable chopsticks. And a family tradition was born... now we still do this in my family.
my favorite christmas memory was when we discovered Santa wasn't real.....through handwriting comparisons. :)
sleepyheadedmom at gmail dot com
Of course, this expectation of a new life in the next morning
lusizova at
I tweeted!/Ludmilochka/status/95051484059799552
lusizova at
My favorite extended family Christmas memory was the first time I got to "play" Santa Claus and my one year younger sister played (dressed up as)my/Santa's Elf. We were grown up enough and that way all the parents (and real grown-ups) could be present to enjoy and share the charade -it was great fun and made us feel VERY grown-up!
Heart you on Etsy (Salleefur) and LIKE you on Facebook (Jesselyn A)
LIKE and SHAREd this post, giveaway, your sale, your Etsy Shop and some of my "Favorites" on my Facebook profile Page (sorry I don't have a blog!) Here is the link:!/profile.php?id=100000760917362
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