"He ran as fast as a rabbit! He was late!"
{ watercolor | 2009 }
I was updating my website this morning and decided to place up my links once again. I know why I took them down, I just don't know why I listened to poor advice. I can see where maybe having links on your site could distract or tarnish your online portfolio. But I can't get over the fact that we as artists, illustrators, creators, and directors all need to link together and support one another. I know personally I gotta have a network of friends who will give me honest feedback and support when times are rough. Whether it's art related or not. As artists we tend to understand one another maybe a bit more than those who do not make it their living.
all you childrens book illustrators out there. Listen up!
I have lots of room on my links page...Let's exchange links and make this community bigger and stronger!
Just comment to this post with:
your full name
web portfolio link
url where I can find my link
Next I'll add you onto my links page. If you post my link on your blog, I will do the same. :) Then, return the favor! Word of mouth people...it works!
I love this peice, and the rest of your work is amazing. I've put a link to you from my blog. I havent' illustrated any childrens books yet, but it's a major goal of mine.
Philip Morgan
Beautiful! Lovely style, he's great :)
I love the style - very nice
I clicked your link on Philip Morgan's Blog and was amazed by your work.
Your image for Fast is wondrful. You really captured his hurry. Great job!
I've gone ahead and linked you to my IF Blog.
Like your other work, this one is beautifully presented.
This is a beautiful piece.
Beautiful work, I added a link to your blog on my blog, not sure how to put in one of your beautiful banners though I am new at this and not quite proficient yet.
You have a ton of outstanding illustrations on your blog! This is a great piece. :)
beign the mouse freak that I am I just love love love this illustration. Great use of color.
Just wonderful!
what a beautiful piece!
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