Yesterday was one of the best days I've had in a very very long time, and one of the best birthdays too. Yes, yesterday I turned 27, and once again saw Brian's dashingly charming side. So here's the break down...because if I didn't break it down this would be a very long post.
8ish in the morning I'm still in bed, Brian calls me and wakes me up asking if my present had show up at the door yet. All groggy I get up, walk to the front door, open it, and I hear someone coming up the stairs. There's Brain with flowers and lots of groceries. He made me breakfast (which just to let you know, I do all the cooking in our relationship).
Present #1 & #2 (no picture because I'm not willing to show myself in pjs half awake. :P)

After we ate I got ready for the day and he hand another we got into the car and we drove to Jordan Creek Mall. I still didn't know what we were doing. So we get into the mall and we walk up to Build A Bear workshop. I got to choose any animal and any clothes/accessories, and we both made one. Even tho the elephant and bunny were adorable I picked a very soft teddy bear. Brian picked a spotted eye dog. It was a blast! Never done it and now I can say I have. Most definitely will do it again!
Present #3 (dog = "Vincent"; bear = "Lily")

So once we got home, made some lunch, went back to the mall (I wanted to buy myself a scarf), then came home to take a nap, and off to work. Once I got to work there was something new waiting for me. Brian bought me more flowers! I was floored and just didn't know what to say. Very blessed.
Present #4

After work, and after I had my parents pick up the new set of flowers (afraid to drive with them...there were balloons attached), we all met up at my dad's (mom, dad, Brian, and I) and went out to dinner. We went to Ohana's Steakhouse which is a higher end restaurant, fab food, and the chefs entertain you as they make your dinner. Brian and I had been there before in our pasts, but my parents hadn't been. It was very entertaining. :D
Present #5

Oh and did I mention my mom gave me cell phone minutes till March '09? Yeah, I have a pay as you go phone...and lost my service after I couldn't afford 30 bucks a few months ago. So that was Present #6!
When all was said and done, got home, made some coffee, and vegged on the tv watching David Letterman...I didn't want the day to end, but every day comes to an end. I am so grateful for what I have, the people in my life, and times I have with them. Awesome birthday! :D